I love the person I have become, because I have fought to become her.

Currently I am a Holistic Wellness Coach, Certified Yoga Teacher, Pilates Instructor, a NASM Personal Trainer, and I have an obsession for helping young women and girls. There is not enough information or awareness when it comes to mental illness and self-esteem. I am dedicating my path to raising that awareness and to mentoring and speaking with women all across the globe to feel empowered and in love with who they are and what they can accomplish. 

There is a whole new life out there waiting to be grabbed, and everyone has something beautiful to create and share with the world.



I have had my fair share of disappointing and traumatic events and relationships in my 20 years. Enough to loose track. I suffered with a severe eating disorder for 4 years, along with depression, anxiety, panic attacks, low self-esteem. I have also suffered with obsessive exercising.

I'm here to tell you everything is alright. I am living proof that you can start over. I almost died (twice) in the hospital from low heart rate, low blood pressure…my skin was grayish purple and my hair was falling out in clumps. I was shutting down and I wasn't even aware of it. I was depressed. I was lost. I had no friends and I was always afraid and hesitant to leave the house, to speak up, to do anything I wanted to do because I didn't think I was worthy enough, because I told myself I wasn't as good as this person or that person.

I am here to tell you that is a bunch of bullshit. No one, NO ONE should ever make you feel like you are unworthy. We are ALL THE SAME. We are each other, you are just another version of me. We are all so unique and beautiful in our own way that there should never be any COMPARISON. We don't compare squirrels to lions, but that doesn't mean one is better than the other. They both have different powers. And so do we.  

Through yoga and learning about the body and how incredible we truly are, my life changed rather quickly. And as soon as I felt what it was like to really love myself, I knew my calling was to help people who have gone through what I have. Everyone deserves to feel empowered and passionate. Everyone has the ability to accomplish great things and make their dreams and goals a reality.